Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chicago, pt.1

for all 2 of you that actually read my blog because you like my blog, it will temporarily be a photo blog, i hope you enjoy it. sorry it took so long to upload the photos, been kinda busy... but if you appreciate good photography i hope it will be worth the wait. for the rest of you who don't really read my blog, just look at the pretty pictures, maybe click around & comment. although, if you are in that category, you probably didn't just read that sentence... anyway, this is of day 1 of Chicago, spring 2011, easter weekend. as you can see, the water was incredibly choppy and because of all the wind, a lot of mist was spraying and it made everything really cold really quick. besides the obvious fact of it being half-spring half-winter in the northern US, of course. chicago is a really nice city once it warms up.

so i'm thinking 3 pictures per post.. with my stock it should tie me over for awhile. is this too long or would you like more than this at once? i have some much better photos coming (obviously) just kind of my first day test run. tell me what you think in the comments.


  1. No its not too long, keep up the good posts!

  2. It's nowhere near too long. I've never been to Chicago but a lot of my friends have. I'm right around the corner over in Michigan. I know what you mean by that 'half-spring half-winter' time of the year. It sucks.

    I vote on throwing down more pictures. I'm interested in your Chicago adventures.

  3. Where is that? I'm currently living in Chicago.

  4. Great pictures, like people have always said a picture is worth one thousand words, so the more the merrier! The weather does look pretty wild, though.

  5. The second picture is really pretty. Reminds me of the lakes here in Ohio. Following, keep up the epic job!

  6. Impressive. Show us some more you can't post too much of this nice pictures!

  7. I like these photos. 3-5 pics per post is good imo.

  8. Agreed on the 3-5 pics. Go ahead and post them!

  9. The water looks disturbed a bit :) And as you said - it looks pretty chilly out there. Also 3-4 pictures per post would be great. Nice idea turning this blog into a picture blog :)
    @offtopic - you might want to move the Archive widget a bit up, it's hard to read the articles.

  10. Trying to go to chi-town myself later this summer

  11. he looks pretty scared in that last picture

  12. cool photos, aint nothing wrong with a picture blog, i await more pictures

  13. spread them out a lot!

    good to see you are doing good man

  14. Yeah, I think the page would look a little better if the pics were more spread out. Suprisingly nice pics btw.

  15. Good post, thanks for sharing. +following

  16. I think it's just the right amount.

  17. Sick picks bro!

    I meant pics damn autocorrect.

  18. Those are some really cool pictures!

  19. sick. stuff. looks like the potomac.

  20. Chicago seems a cold place
    3 pics per post is good enough

  21. i really like the 3rd picture man, im really into photography myself as well, only thing is i think you should try and capture them on a brighter day :)

  22. Great pictures, its just the right length but really just do what you feel fits.

  23. More pictures please! +Followed

  24. Sweet pictures man :) Looks cold though!
